The Undiscovered & Kristina Sedlak
Hi there, my name is Kristina Sedlak and I'm a senior creative advertising major with an art minor at Appalachian State University. I am...
The Undiscovered & The Guardian
The Guardian is a British daily newspaper that eventually came to the United States. It was first founded on May 5, 1821 as The...
The Undiscovered & Olivia Easly
The other day in my Internet Communications class we had an alumni guest speaker, Olivia Easly and she works for the Watauga Democrat....
Privacy of The Undiscovered
In my internet communications class we had a guest speaker, Dr. Paul Gates, come in to talk to us about privacy on the internet. In fact,...
The Undiscovered & The Digital Divide
It's hard to help artists get discovered when such a significant amount of the world's population doesn't even have access to the...