The Undiscovered & Kristina Sedlak
Hi there, my name is Kristina Sedlak and I'm a senior creative advertising major with an art minor at Appalachian State University. I am...
The Undiscovered & Music Streaming
I read an article the other day about it to learn more about artists on music streaming services, because that's something that interests...
The Undiscovered & Will Phifer
Recently, I've been working on a website for one of The Undiscovered's represented artists. His name is Will Phifer and he is an...
The Undiscovered & The Digital Divide
It's hard to help artists get discovered when such a significant amount of the world's population doesn't even have access to the...
The Undiscovered: Website
The Undiscovered is a website that truly reflects the brand, as Matthew Marco would say. The sole purpose of The Undiscovered website is...